This article is excerpted from the Singapore Medical Journal ¦ Volume 65 ¦ Supplement 1 ¦ March 2024 by Wound World.
Shahad N Alanazi1 , Dana A Bali1 , Nawaf M Alwagdani2 , Youssof Mal3 , Maram T Alkhatieb4 , Hattan A AlJaaly1 , Zahir T Fadel1
1 Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; 2Department of Orthopedic Surgery, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 3Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine in Rabigh, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; 4Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Received October 24, 2023; Accepted March 13, 2024; Epub April 15, 2024; Published April 30, 2024
Abstract: This case report describes a unique scenario in which antimycobacterial-induced peripheral neuropathy (PN) culminates in severe bilateral foot frostbite. Drug-induced peripheral neuropathy (DIPN) is explored in the context of TB treatment, highlighting the role of medications such as isoniazid (INH) and their potential to cause PN. The report highlights the importance of identifying PN in patients undergoing antimycobacterial treatment. Early recognition and proper management of PN is crucial to prevent complications. Notably, the report advocates for patient education regarding medication side effects and avoiding harmful practices, such as ice immersion, to alliviate neuropathic pain. Emphasis is directed towards the need for a multidisciplinary approach to patient care and a focus on preventative strategies to improve patient outcomes and avoid severe debilitating complications.
Keywords: Frostbite, peripheral neuropathy, isoniazid (INH), drug-induced peripheral neuropathy (DIPN)
创伤是指由于各种致伤因素导致的机体软组织、骨骼甚至内脏器官等等各个系统的损伤,创伤可以根据发生地点、受伤部位、受伤组织、致伤因素及皮肤完整程度进行分类。 按发生地点分为战争伤、工业伤、农业伤、交通伤、体育伤、生活伤等;按受伤部位分为颅脑创伤、胸部创伤、腹部创伤、各部位的骨折和关节脱位、手部伤等;按受伤类型分为骨折、脱位、脑震荡、器官破裂等;相邻部位同时受伤者称为联合伤(如胸腹联合伤);按受伤的组织或器官分类时,又可按受伤组织的深浅分为软组织创伤、骨关节创伤和内脏创伤。软组织创伤指皮肤、皮下组织和肌肉的损伤,也包括行于其中的血管和神经。单纯的软组织创伤一般较轻,但广泛的挤压伤可致挤压综合征。血管破裂大出血亦可致命。骨关节创伤包括骨折和脱位,并按受伤的骨或关节进一步分类并命名。如股骨骨折、肩关节脱位等。内脏创伤又可按受伤的具体内脏进行分类和命名。如脑挫裂伤、肺挫伤、肝破裂等。同一致伤原因引起两个以上部位或器官的创伤,称为多处伤或多发伤。按致伤因素,分为火器伤、切伤、刺伤、撕裂伤、挤压伤、扭伤、挫伤等。按皮肤完整程度,分为闭合性创伤、开放性创伤等。