
Amanda W. Ernlund PhD1 | Lauren T. Moffatt PhD2,3 | Collin M. Timm PhD1 | Kristina K. Zudock BS1 | Craig W. Howser MS1 | Kianna M. Blount BS1 | Abdulnaser Alkhalil PhD2 | Jeffrey W. Shupp MD, FACS2,3 | David K. Karig PhD1,4

1 Department of Research and Exploratory Development, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland

2 The Firefighters' Burn and Surgical Research Laboratory, MedStar Health Research Institute, Hyattsville, Maryland

3 Departments of Surgery, Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, District of Columbia

4 Department of Bioengineering, Clemson University, 301 Rhodes Research Center, Clemson, South Carolina Correspondence David K. Karig, Department of Bioengineering, Clemson University, 301 Rhodes Research Center, Clemson, SC. Email: 该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。 Funding information Army Research Office, Grant/Award Number: W911NF-14-1-0490; Army Research Laboratory


Common treatment for venous leg wounds includes topical wound dressings with compression. At each dressing change, wounds are debrided and washed; however, the effect of the washing procedure on the wound microbiome has not been studied. We hypothesized that wound washing may alter the wound microbiome. To characterize microbiome changes with respect to wound washing, swabs from 11 patients with chronic wounds were sampled before and after washing, and patient microbiomes were characterized using 16S rRNA sequencing and culturing. Microbiomes across patient samples prior to washing were typically polymicrobial but varied in the number and type of bacterial genera present. Proteus and Pseudomonas were the dominant genera in the study. We found that washing does not consistently change microbiome diversity but does cause consistent changes in microbiome composition. Specifically, washing caused a decrease in the relative abundance of the most highly represented genera in each patient cluster. The finding that venous leg ulcer wound washing, a standard of care therapy, can induce changes in the wound microbiome is novel and could be potentially informative for future guided therapy strategies.


16S sequencing, microbiome, venous stasis ulcers, wound treatment.

Matthew Malone1,2,3 | Michael Radzieta1,3 | Saskia Schwarzer1,2 | Slade O. Jensen1,3,4 | Lawrence A. Lavery5

1 South West Sydney Limb Preservation and Wound Research, South West Sydney Local Health District, Sydney, Australia

2 High Risk Foot Service, Liverpool Hospital, South West Sydney LHD, Sydney, Australia

3 Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, School of Medicine, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia

4 Antimicrobial Resistance and Mobile Elements Group, Ingham Institute of Applied Medical Research, Sydney, Australia

5 Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas


       This proof-of-concept study sought to determine the effects of standard of care (SOC) and a topically applied concentrated surfactant gel (SG) on the total microbial load, community composition, and community diversity in nonhealing diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) with chronic biofilm infections. SOC was provided in addition to a topical concentrated SG, applied every 2 days for 6 weeks. Wound swabs were obtained from the base of ulcers at baseline (week 0), week 1, mid-point (week 3), and end of treatment (week 6). DNA sequencing and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) were employed to determine the total microbial load, community composition, and diversity of patient samples. Tissue specimens were obtained at baseline and scanning electron microscopy and peptide nucleic acid fluorescent in situ hybridisation with confocal laser scanning microscopy were used to confirm the presence of biofilm in all 10 DFUs with suspected chronic biofilm infections. The application of SG resulted in 7 of 10 samples achieving a reduction in mean log10 total microbial load from baseline to end of treatment (0.8 Log10 16S copies, ±0.6), and 3 of 10 samples demonstrated an increase in mean Log10 total microbial load (0.6 log10 16S copies, ±0.8) from baseline to end of treatment. Composition changes in microbial communities were driven by changes to the most dominant bacteria. Corynebacterium sp. and Streptococcus sp. frequently reduced in relative abundance in patient samples from week 0 to week 6 but did not disappear. In contrast, Staphylococcus sp., Finegoldia sp., and Fusobacterium sp., relative abundances frequently increased in patient samples from week 0 to week 6. The application of a concentrated SG resulted in varying shifts to diversity (increase or decrease) between week 0 and week 6 samples at the individual patient level. Any shifts in community diversity were independent to changes in the total microbial loads. SOC and a topical concentrated SG directly affect the microbial loads and community composition of DFUs with chronic biofilm infections.


diabetic foot ulcer, biofilm, Poloxomer-188, concentrated surfactant gel.

Key messages

  • standard of care (SOC) and the use of a topical concentrated surfactant gel (SG) reduced the total microbial load of diabetic foot ulcers with chronic biofilm infections on average by 0.8 Log10 (range = 0–1.6 Log10)
  • SOC in addition to the use of a topical concentrated SG caused reductions in the most abun dant sub-operational taxonomic units: Corynebacterium sp. and Streptococcus sp.
  • Staphylococcus sp. was not affected by treatment and typically increased in its relative abundance post-treatment
  • SOC and a topical concentrated SG caused shifts in microbial community diversity

Jeffrey R. Saffle, MD, FACS, Linda Edelman, PhD, Louanna Theurer, BS, Stephen E. Morris, MD, FACS, and Amalia Cochran, MD, FACS

Background: As the number of US burn centers has declined, access to burn care is increasingly limited. Inexperience in burn wound assessment by referring physicians often results in overtriage or undertriage. In an effort to improve access to burn care in our region, we instituted a program of telemedicine evaluation of acute burns.

Methods: We created a telemedicine network linking our burn center to three hospitals located 298 to 350 air miles away. Participants agreed to perform telemedicine consultation for acutely burned patients admitted to their emergency departments. We compared consults and referrals from these facilities during the period July 2005 to August 2007 (TELE) to those during a 2-year period before instituting telemedicine (PRE-TELE).

Results: During the TELE period, 80 patients were referred, of whom 70 were seen acutely by telemedicine, compared with 28 PRE-TELE referrals. The groups did not differ in age or burn size. Only 31 patients seen by telemedicine received emergency air transport (44.3%), compared with 100% of PRE-TELE patients (p <0.05). Nine other TELE patients were transported by family; 30 other patients were treated locally. Ten remaining patients were transported without telemedicine evaluation. TELE patients transported by air had somewhat larger burn sizes (9.0% vs. 6.5% total body surface area; p =NS) and longer length of stay (13.0 days vs. 8.0 days; p =NS) than PRE-TELE patients. Burn size estimates by burn center physicians made either by telemedicine or direct inspection correlated closely but both differed significantly from those of referring physicians. Providers and patients expressed a high level of satisfaction with the telemedicine experience.

Conclusions: Acute evaluation of burn patients can be performed accurately by telemedicine. This can reduce undertriage or overtriage for air transport, improve resource utilization, and both enhance and extend burn center expertise to many rural communities at low cost.

Key Words: Telemedicine, Burns, Air Transport, Triage.

Tian Yu-tong , Zhang Yan * , Liu Zhen , Xu Bing , Cheng Qing-yun School of Nursing and Health, Zhengzhou University, China


Aim/objective: This study aimed to assess telehealth readiness among clinical nurses in China and explore the factors that affect their telehealth readiness and the relationships of telehealth readiness and telehealth practice related variables.

Background: Telehealth is a new service model that uses information and communication technology to provide professional health care services for resource-poor areas. With the global spread of COVID-19, nurses urgently need to adapt and apply telehealth technology to replace conventional face-to-face treatment. However, nurseled telehealth services in China are currently only in the pilot phase and the readiness of clinical nurses needs to be assessed to facilitate successful telehealth implementation.

Design: A cross-sectional, multicentre study was undertaken with the questionnaire survey method.Methods: Data were collected in October-December 2020 used online questionnaires. A convenience sample of 3386 nurses from 19 hospitals in China completed the Chinese version of Telehealth Readiness Assessment Tools.

Results: The mean score of the telehealth readiness was in the category between 61 and 80 points (mean 61.23, SD 11.61). The percentages of nurses meeting the following levels of telehealth readiness were as follows: low (49.9%), moderate (42.0%) and high (8.1%). Significantly higher domain scores were recorded for nurses in the unmarried, head of responsible nursing group. Moreover, there were positive correlations between telehealth readiness level and service experience, service willingness, mode cognition, manpower allocation and policy guidance.

Conclusions: There are still many factors hindering the successful implementation of telehealth. Nursing educators should formulate telehealth education curriculum and service standards to improve the telehealth readiness of nurses.

Keywords:Telehealth .Readiness. Nursing students. Nurses.  Nursing.  Quantitative context analysis.