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Bee Venom in Wound Healing

Abstract: Bee venom (BV), also known as api-toxin, is widely used in the treatment of different inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis. It is also known that BV can improve the wound healing process. BV plays a crucial role in the modulation of the different phases of wound repair. It possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, antiviral, antimicrobial and analgesic properties, all of which have a positive impact on the wound healing process. The mentioned process consists of four phases, i.e., hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and remodeling. The impaired wound healing process constitutes a significant problem especially in diabetic patients, due to hypoxia state. It had been found that BV accelerated the wound healing in diabetic patients as well as in laboratory animals by impairing the caspase-3, caspase-8 and caspase-9 activity. Moreover, the activity of BV in wound healing is associated with regulating the expression of transforming growth factor (TGF-β1), vascular endothelial growth factor and increased collagen type I. BV stimulates the proliferation and migration of human epidermal keratinocytes and fibroblasts. In combination with polyvinyl alcohol and chitosan, BV significantly accelerates the wound healing process, increasing the hydroxyproline and glutathione and lowering the IL-6 level in wound tissues. The effect of BV on the wounds has been proved by numerous studies, which revealed that BV in the wound healing process brings about a curative effect and could be applied as a new potential treatment for wound repair. However, therapy with bee venom may induce allergic reactions, so it is necessary to assess the existence of the patient’s hypersensitivity to apitoxin before treatment.

Keywords: bee venom; wound healing; biological properties; molecular mechanism.

Skin Wound Healing: Normal Macrophage Function and Macrophage Dysfunction in Diabetic Wounds

Abstract: Macrophages play a prominent role in wound healing. In the early stages, they promote inflflammation and remove pathogens, wound debris, and cells that have apoptosed. Later in the repair process, they dampen inflflammation and secrete factors that regulate the proliferation, differentiation,and migration of keratinocytes, fifibroblasts, and endothelial cells, leading to neovascularisation and wound closure. The macrophages that coordinate this repair process are complex: they originate from different sources and have distinct phenotypes with diverse functions that act at various times in the repair process. Macrophages in individuals with diabetes are altered, displaying hyperresponsiveness to inflflammatory stimulants and increased secretion of pro-inflflammatory cytokines. They also have a reduced ability to phagocytose pathogens and efferocytose cells that have undergone apoptosis. This leads to a reduced capacity to remove pathogens and, as efferocytosis is a trigger for their phenotypic switch, it reduces the number of M2 reparative macrophages in the wound. This can lead to diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) forming and contributes to their increased risk of not healing and becoming infected, and potentially, amputation. Understanding macrophage dysregulation in DFUs and how these cells might be altered, along with the associated inflflammation, will ultimately allow for better therapies that might complement current treatment and increase DFU’s healing rates.

Keywords: macrophage; inflflammation; diabetic foot ulcer; chronic wound; efferocytosis; phenotype; infection.

Study of hydrocellular functional material as microbicidal wound dressing for diabetic wound healing


A hydrocellular functional material as a wound dressing is developed and it is found to be superior in its efficacy as  compared to some of the comparator controls in diabetic wound healing studies. A study on wound contraction and  Histopathological analysis is done in rats. The efficacy of the dressing is comparable to the established wound dressings  like Carboxymethyl cellulose alginate dressings and autolytic enzyme based hydrogel. It is found to be superior to  Polyhexamethylene biguanide dressing used as reference controls in this study.The reason for good wound healing performance of the dressing can be attributed to a combined property of effective  exudates management and broad spectrum antimicrobial effect. The concept of functional hydro cellular material has  shown good results due to the excellent balance of exudates pickup and drying it out. This ensures moist wound healing  conditions on the wound. Because of its porous nature it allows good air flow and gaseous exchange in the structure. The cationic sites created on the surface of the dressing ensure a good antimicrobial action on the exudates in the  dressing. It reduces the infection load on the wound. The nonleaching property of the dressing also helps in preventing  the generation of more resistant and mutant strains of the microbes.The developed dressing can be used as a relatively durable long lasting dressing for wound management in diabetic  wounds. The need of repetitive wound dressing changes can be brought down with this concept of dressing. It is not  only cost effective in terms of its material cost but also is a cost effective solution when entire wound management cost  is considered. Such novel wound dressing material can change the quality of life of diabetic wound patients especially in  developing world, where access to functional advanced wound care dressings is limited.


Hydrocellular, wound dressing, microbicidal, diabetic wound, exudates.  Date received: 25 May 2021; revised: 3 October 2021; accepted: 5 October 2021.







Venous Leg Ulcers: Advanced Therapies and New Technologies

Abstract: The prevalence of venous leg ulcers (VLUs) differs between 1.5% and 3% in the genera population. The challenge in treating VLUs is common recurrence. Moreover, VLUs can be resistant to healing, despite appropriate treatment. In these cases, advanced wound therapies should be considered. The number of new technologies, applied in VLUs treatment, has increased in the last years. These therapies include biophysical interventions such as ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulations, electromagnetic therapy, or phototherapy. Furthermore, stem cell therapies, biologic skin equivalents, platelet-rich plasma therapy, oxygen therapies, anti-TNF therapy, or negative pressure wound therapy are advanced venous ulcer therapeutic methods that may support the standard of care. Medical devices, such as a muscle pump activator, or intermittent pneumatic compression device, may be especially useful for specifific subgroups of patients suffering from VLUs. Some of the above-mentioned technologies require broader evidence of clinical effificacy and are still considered experimental therapies in dermatology.

Keywords: venous leg ulcers; advanced therapies; new technologies; wound treatment; experimental dermatology.