
16 10月 2024
Author :  

田潇雨 卢娜

中国药科大学,中国·江苏 南京 210000

摘 要

衰老(Senecence)是细胞功能逐渐退化的一种状态,在这种状态下细胞几乎丧失复制能力,并且细胞周期抑制基因p16INK4a 的表达升高。细胞衰老贯穿生物个体的整个生命过程,在各种生理以及病理过程中发挥重要的作用。一方面,衰老的细胞能够促进胚胎发育,伤口愈合和宿主免疫反应以及抑制肿瘤发生发展等。另一方面,随着年龄增长而在体内积累的衰老细胞也会对机体带来有害的影响。这些不能增殖的细胞产生衰老相关分泌表型(Senescence-Associated Secretory PhenotypeSASP),促进衰老相关疾病(Aging-related Diseae)的发生发展,而清除衰老细胞能够减缓衰老相关疾病的症状。因此寻找能够特异性杀死衰老细胞的药物(Senolytics)成为了抗衰老领域的研究重点。



Advances in Research on Senescence in Health and Diseases

Xiaoyu Tian Na Lu

China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210000, China

AbstractSenescence is a state in which the cell's functional characteristics are gradually deteriorating, in which the cell is at a sustained lowevel ofreplication and is accompanied by an increase in the expression of the cell cycle inhibitor pl6lNK4a The production of senescent cells occurs throughout life and plays key roles in various physiological and pathological proceses. These noneproliferating celsoccupy key cellular niches and produce senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) which contributes to aging-related diseasesprogress. Therefore, the search for Senolytics has become the focus ofresearch in the field of anti-aging.

cellular senescence, SASP, aging-related disease, anti-senescence, senolytics

本文献转载于亚洲临床医学杂志·第 02 卷·第 05 期·2019 年 12 月,不代表本网站赞同其观点和对其真实性负责,我们主要用于阅读分享,非商业用途,如若侵权,请告知删除。


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